Ícones svg mais populares


Como foi que achei este site?
Bom, eu estava procurando um ícone em svg do gimp, ao encontrar resolvi compartilhar a dica para facilitar a vida dos meus nobres colegas.

Why this site ?

As the most used open vectorial format, SVG is increasingly required by desktop environments for icons. Though, the official icons of software are quite laborious to find on the web, in a vectorial format. That's why this website is here. It doesn't aim to archive every software icons, but only the official or most resembling ones.

How to contribute ?

Everybody can contribute. To keep this page clean, I decided to manually check and add every new icon. Don't worry though, most of the work is done by programs. To propose a new svg icon, just send the svg file to the email address : adding at svgicons.o7a.net.

You can also let people know about this website. Most of the visitors currently come from Google (I bet you do !).

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