Novidades no ubuntu hardy

Pesquisando sobre as novidades da nova versão do ubuntu
hardy heron veja quanta coisa achei!


Revamped Logout Screen
They want to streamline the options you have when you click that big red button, to make things less confusing.

Better Integrated Wine
Better Wine will make it easier for Windows users to convert, thus helping to solve bug #1.

Xorg 7.3
This is one of the features that missed the gutsy deadline. This should make manual configuration of xorg.conf obsolete. Another much anticipated feature is Bullet Proof X, which will go into a graphical safe mode if anything goes wrong with X.

Slick Boot
To improve the boot and shutdown process and also make the things look nicer.

Preservar a pasta home em nova instalação

Ao realizar a instalação sobre uma versão anterior haverá a possiblidade de preservar
a pasta /home

Melhor detecção de hardware

GDM face browser (impressionante)

User has the caps-lock key activated...

Auto detecção da frequência do monitor

Compartilhamento de arquivos melhorado

Desktop Effects
Make compiz fusion more robust and easier to use.

New Theme
Hardy Heron will be getting a shiny new theme, I hope they move away from the brown theme and choose something lighter and more fresh.

Suporte a dois monitores

Colaboração da equipe de desenvolvimento com a equipe do automatix (codecs)

Revamped Logout Screen
They want to streamline the options you have when you click that big red button, to make things less confusing.

Better Integrated Wine
Better Wine will make it easier for Windows users to convert, thus helping to solve bug #1.

Xorg 7.3
This is one of the features that missed the gutsy deadline. This should make manual configuration of
xorg.conf obsolete. Another much anticipated feature is Bullet Proof X, which will go into a graphical safe mode if anything goes wrong with X.

Slick Boot
To improve the boot and shutdown process and also make the things look nicer.

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